Double - Episode 2
by Elyse Endick
You cannot be serious
I’m dead serious
Sorry, that was a bad choice of words
But trust me, Kate
Trevor is dangerous
But you haven’t seen him in so long…
How do you know what he’s like??
What if he just wants to talk??
Or what if he took a prank too far??
Maybe he just wanted to pretend like you were kids again…by switching places
Are you seriously defending the guy who impersonated me?
Took you on a date?
Kissed you?
Threw a goddamn rock through your window?
Okay, good point. But a gun??!
You’re gonna kill him??
That’s not okay.
I can feel it
I can’t explain it, it’s just…
It sounds dumb, but yeah
It doesn’t sound dumb to me
Look, I promise I won't use the gun unless I have to
James, this is weird…it’s quiet.
The car alarm stopped
I think I have to go into the woods to hide from Trevor
Please hurry
I will, but this lock is taking forever to crack
What lock?
For the gun safe
Forget the gun!
I need you
But we need it.
I’m telling you, you don’t know what Trevor will do to harm me
I think he’s jealous that I got to live with my dad
Look, let me keep trying different combos
I’ve tried my dad’s birthday and my birthday already
What about Trevor’s birthday??
Kate. We’re twins -- We have the same birthday.
Oh, right. Well, hurry!
I’m trying to find a place to hide back here
I should have brought some sage to burn…
It’s open
I can’t believe it
The combo was my mom’s birthday
Maybe my dad still loves her
Or maybe he regrets that he couldn’t save her or Trevor
Oh, wow…That’s really sad
I don’t know what to say to make it better, James
There’s nothing to say
We’re learning from their mistakes
I’m not letting anything happen to you
I hear rustling…
Find a place to hide, and STAY THERE
I’m in the car now
I’ve got a pistol and three rounds
I’m in a ditch under a tree
Ohmigosh, James, what if he’s close??
Think about something else
I’m at a light
Text me to keep your mind off him
Well, I guess hearing about your mom and dad…
It’s reminding me of my mom.
Oh, babe -- I’m here for you
Thanks ❤️
When she died, I think I felt the way your dad might be feeling…
Like I couldn’t save her
During the first part of my life, I was good at everything
It sounds conceited but…
It’s true! It’s still true.
No, not like before…
I was on the track team and I had straight-As
But when mom’s cancer came, none of that mattered anymore
That must have been really hard
You must have spent all your time taking care of her
I guess, but it wasn’t really like that. It’s more like…
I spent all of my time trying to do anything I could to make her feel better
To be with her always
And I did it because I loved her
But everything else got ignored
It was even worse after she passed, because I was still so focused on her, but she wasn’t there to comfort me back
Oh, babe. I’m so sorry.
I guess that’s why I started to get into séances
People started to call me a freak, but I didn’t care
I didn’t even realize that no one was talking to me until you came along
How could I not? You’re my spooky girl
👻 lol
Haha, you know I love my emojis
Are you still mad?
About what??
That I didn’t tell you about Trev.
No. I understand why you didn’t…it’s just…
You’ve always been there for me when I was dealing with my mom
I wish I could have been there for you when you were dealing with your family issues
You were -- you just didn’t know it
And besides, now I’m going to protect you
Haha, you never act all macho like this :P
I mean it though
I’m almost there
Okay, hurry
ten minutes later
I’m starting to get worried…
I hear strange noises, so I’m going to check it out…please text me back.
I think it was a fox…their cries sound like screaming.
Shit, the screaming stopped
It’s so quiet…where are you??!
Sorry, my dad called
Did you tell him about Trevor??
I did
But Kate?
You’re not going to believe what he told me
I think I can handle it
Hurry up and tell me, this fox is freaking me out
I don’t think it’s a fox…
Well, it’s not Trevor
A human couldn’t make sounds like that
That’s the thing
Kate, my dad told me it wasn’t possible that Trevor was following you
Um, then who was the person I saw who looked exactly like you??
I don’t know
I saw him with my own eyes, James
Kate, Trevor died three months ago